samedi 31 décembre 2011

Here I'm once again...

I decided to come back because I know I have things to say and share. I felt the urge to keep blogging. So here I'm, its new year and I actually made this blog one year ago.

What happened between then and now? I'd say too much things, good and bad... In the last few months I learned a lot about myself and I migth say, I changed a little, but I still being the same person and having the same dreams.

So lets start with my resolutions:

- Go to a JYJ & SM town show
- Get a part time job
- Save for Japan
- Sew as much as I can
- Workout
- Stop eating as a crazy hungry bitch ( LOL)
- Keep going with college and work harder
- Make new friends and keep my old ones
- Go to the USA
- Get a credit card ( I'm turning 18 this year)
- Still being happy.
- Take more outfit picutres.

and this is pretty much it for tonigth but keep watching because Reiko is back and she won't go away any time soon ;D

dimanche 6 novembre 2011


Lately I have tried to take daily outfit pictures. So let me share with you!
I have some pastel and cyber inspiration. I try to mix everything I like.



This year I really wanted to do a super crazy make up for halloween. My first idea was to be a death ring leader, but I could't find a nice black dress, so I decided to go for an original character. Its kind of a magical girl from the space. To be honest that make up wasn't confortable AT ALL. I couldn't touch my face or see properly, but I guess its just once a year.


I brougth a lot of halloween candy to the school to share with my friends and after we went for trick or treat. We had to come home early, so we didn't get a lot of candy, but we had fun.


How was your halloween?

jeudi 13 octobre 2011

How to thrift?

I have been thrifting for years, I know where and how to find the good deals. In this entry I want to share you my thrifting strategies and tips.

When and where?

The best moments of the year to go thrift are summer and January. Why? It's simple, garage sales take place on summer and since people have more free time they decide to clean and trow away things they don't want anymore. For January it's almost the same thing, people make their new year cleaning and donate a lot of stuff.

On summer look for garage sales,basement sales at churches and flea markets while on winter places as salvation army are better. You can use google, the newspaper or ask people you know to find those places.

Is this a good deal?

Before trowing yourself at everything pastel or cute you see, take in consideration this aspects
- Am I going to wear this? You can like something but that doesn't means that you'll wear it and we all know that having clothes you don't wear is not very useful.
- How special is the print? I find the best printed clothes thrifting. When I really love a print and I know could not find it somewhere else I buy without any doubt eve if it's not my size, I can always use the fabric for something else.
- Is it dirty/ripped? Can I repair/clean it? Don't buy clothes that look too dirty or old unless you want a trashy effect.
- Is the prince worth it? Some places overprice clothes and accessories, so if you can get something similar for the same prince but new, don't buy.
Do and Don't

Try it on. It can look your size, but that doesn't means it will fit you well.
Go thrifting often, every week lots of new things arrive to second hand shops, so go as often as you can.
Look at all the sections, not only female or clothes section.
Take a car where you are going to put everything you like and at the in check it just to be sure of what you are taking.

Be ashamed of buying there.
Start wondering if it's dead people clothes, it's irrelevant.
Expect to always find what you are looking for, it can take months until you find exactly what you want.
Look at the sizes, most of the time size are fucked up and are always different. On my own wardrobe I have S,M,L, XL and even 3X .

mercredi 12 octobre 2011

Crazy thrifting!

Today I went thrifting with my best friend Jiji, two other friends were supposed to come but they are sick, so they couldn't come. We went to a place where clothes are SUPER cheap, the price depends on how much it weigths and each kilo costs around 3$, the shoes and bags are 1$.
I found cool clothes but since I'm a shopaholic it wasn't enough. I went to another thrifting store were clothes are a lot more expensive, but you find better things. As you can see it on the pictures pink and blue are my fetish colours.




How my car looked like?

I dont took pictures of everything I bougth because I plan to remake and resell some items.
My oufit was kind of a mix of everything I like
And yes, on the background you can see the store.

First selfcam in a long time.

mardi 11 octobre 2011

Fun Fun Fun

Since I'm on my "vacation" week I want to go out as much as I can with my friends. On sunday after work I went to a girly sleepover at Chiara's house with Jiji. we ate A LOT of candy, chocolate and cookies, talked for hours and watched mean girls. On monday it took us HOURS to get ready and go out to china town (as usual) I was so exicted because I was going to buy JYJ In heaven CD, wich its actually amazing and worth it! So yeah, we had bubble tea and went shopping. I ordered black circle lenses with power. I can't wait to have them!!

What I bougth?

I aslo bougth underwear, headphones and other things but its too boring/personal to take pictures.


This outfit its a little cyber inspired because of the leggings, legwarmers and the skirt, but the top is more cute, so yeah this is the kind of mix I like and I'm going to go for.


I did a super colorful make up, but sadly you can't see it.

jeudi 6 octobre 2011

School, job and style inspiration!

First of all, I apologize for the lack of entrys and outfit pictures. Everyday I go to college from 8h to 6h and on the weekends I work part time, so yeah I have been pretty busy lately. I promisse I'll buy batteries for my camera and take outfit shoots soon! So as I said I'm working, where do I work? At a Halloween Depot, wich its pretty cool! I like working there and well I like earning money too.

Since a long time I have been wondering if I should turn more into lolita or cyber pop (DON'T GET ME WRONG I'M NOT LEAVING FAIRY KEI AT ALL) I just wanted to add a touch of those styles to my own style. I know I could do both but however they way I feel at this moment goes more with how I see cyber pop.

What do I need/want?

- Dreads, in pink and blue. I'm going to order them soon, I'll take falls cause I can't go to work with colorful cyber dreads.
- More colorful make up mostly eyeshadow. I plan to get the 125 colors palette.
- High heels.
- Colorful fake fur. I want to make legwarmers, scarfs and some other accessoires.
- Lycra pink mini shorts. They actually go with everything.
- Pink goggles, I want to deco them.

Style inspiration

Next week I promisse I'll post a lot! What I had bougth and outits!

mardi 13 septembre 2011

Autumn tips!

For Japanese styles as Lolita, Fairy-kei, Dolly-kei or Mori girl Autumn has the best weather to wear fantastic outfits.
Say Hello! to oversized cute, fluffy and comfy clothes! Don't be afraid of wearing multiple layers and have fun mix and matching clothes.

The best Pop-kei clothes and accessories for this season are :
- Customized jeans coat. You can wear a hoodie under it for colder days.
-Long mokomoko pastel scarf.
- Sneakers. They will keep your feet warm and fit with almost every outfit.
- Earmuffs.
-Oversized hoodies and sweaters.
- Fluffy hats, actually those with animal ears seem to be very trendy lately.
- Legwarmers and tights.
- Bloomers.

Pastel colors remind me more of Autumn, but more vibrant colors are also a good idea to bring some color to this season. Cyber fashion elements as fake furry legwarmers or coats and metallic or neon leggings can perfectly work with Pop-kei.

Special activities for this time of the year.

1) As winter, cold seasons are perfect for knitting. If you don't know how to knit and you prefer to go for the easy and faster way, I recommend you to buy one of these kits, they are easy knit looms. They cost around 20$ and come in different sizes and forms. Soon I'll buy one and make a review for you.

2)Hiking on the forest or just walking on a big park. Even if this is more mori related, this easy and free activity helps you to relax, breath and even do some exercise. Don't forget to bring some food, music, a good book and some friends if you can.

3) Getting ready for Halloween. Halloween is not only my birth day date, but also the perfect moment to dress as crazy and act as crazy as you want. Before the last October's half, you should be preparing your costume and set a plan ( a party? trick or treat? both?) You can also do some other Halloween themed activities like decorating your house, cooking some horror desserts or designing a pumpkin.
And this was all for now, I hope you liked my fashion and lifestyle tips!

lundi 5 septembre 2011

Snaps and fangirling!

Outfits for college

On sunday I went out with Jiji to china town and we found the most amazing Kpop goodies store EVER! They have everything you can imagine about the well know groups. I bought a DBSK bracelet and a JYJ t-shirt. It may not fit my usual syle but it fits my heart hehe.

Casual outfit for sunday
